It's time for the August edition of Quilters Vibe!
The inspiration quilt this month was a Dresden plate. I wasn't going to make one out of paper. Not happening. Instead I took inspo from the rainbow and the woodgrain backdrop.
I used a cutfile from a fairly new company (Pear Tree Cut Files) and used that as my rainbow element.
I got stuck a little way into the process, so after some searching online, I found this layout by Shimelle (with process video) which was looking similar to what I hat up to that point, I followed her lead, but mine went out of control as it typically does!
Oh well! It does capture the vibe of my three crazy kiddos, though! Scroll down for the process video and links to the other QV girls channels.
Cousin Squad
Process Video
Daisie's YouTube Channel
Sara's YouTube Channel
Christy's YouTube Channel
Love, and Quilty Vibes!