Aaaaanyway, when Sara asked me whether I wanted to do another BMU this month, I told her yes (natch) and she promptly gave me the inspiration piece below:
Oooh nice one, right?
Great prompt for journaling! And you know I love a good bit of journaling
As the cylinders in my brain started up and I pondered my options, she informed me that Jody of SpiegelmomScraps had designed a cut file loosed based on last month's BMU since Sara had some issues getting it to cut properly on her machine.
OK. That narrows down the options somewhat. I'm glad cos I don't have to think as hard. What's that? It's going in the SMS newsletter AND we have to use sequins??

All those elements combined in my head to come to a single conclusion - make a montage using all the photos from TCD's* season of summer soccer and turn it into a 2 page layout vaguely reminiscent of layout 2.3 from Shimelle's Start With a Sketch class.
Here's the link to the video, otherwise keep reading to see more pics.
Since I'm not a boyMOM, I didn't use that bit of the cutfile (watch the video to see exactly how I used it). I couldn't really cut off the "mom" and change it to "Mama" because the font had the letters really closely welded together. Besides I already did that.
The hashtag Jody included reminded me that on my social IG I would use #soccermum when I shared pics so I went with that as the title and just use the subtle "balls everywhere" bit.
I turned each ball into a shaker and it wasn't easy given how thin the outlines were. I'm happy enough with it, though.
Here is my journaling which I talked a little bit about in the video.
Aaaand the embellishment clusters:
Lastly the full layout
Well that's all from me for now. I do hope you take the time to watch my video and also see Sara's Video.
Love, and Boy Mamas Unite!
*Acronyms and weird words <---
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